This catalog was published on the occasion of my retrospective, Read Me. Like a Book., at the library on Pratt Institute’s Brooklyn campus.
It highlights 30 artist books representing the 30 years of Dobbin Books' publications.In addition to the checklist of the exhibition (68 artist books & 3 installations), it contains 3 essays:Five Introductions without a Conclusion: The Book as Installation, the Installation as a Book by Paul Van CapelleveenKeep Remembering to Forget Me: Memory and Forgetting in the Artist Books of Robbin Ami Silverberg by Susanne PadbergContinual Conversations with Robbin Ami Silverberg by Michael Joseph
Read Me. Like A Book. Catalog
Published by Pratt Institute Libraries & Dobbin Books, NY
Designer & photographer: Teodóra Hübner
Printer: EPC Print
ISBN: 978-1-7342054-0-4
164 pages, hard bound